Hormel Health Labs in Canada
Featured Product
Hormel Vital Cuisine® 500 Shakes (CA)
A creamy, delicious option for those needing more calories or protein. 500 calories and 22 grams of protein per serving.

THICK & EASY® Clear Food & Beverage Thickener
- Create clear and appetizing-looking foods and drinks without impacting taste or color.
- Limited calorie and carbohydrate content making it suitable for weight and carbohydrate-controlled diets.
- The thickened beverage remains at the appropriate consistency for the duration of consumption and is not dependent on the temperature of the beverage.
Make the CLEAR choice!
Learn More
Thick & Easy® Clear Mixing Charts
Professional Resources Guides and Training
Free In-Service Training Series: IDDSI Testing
Hormel Health Labs presents In-Service Training Series: IDDSI Testing
This series of training videos is designed to help in-service staff gain the skills needed to understand and adopt effective testing and analysis of food and liquids according to the IDDSI Framework.
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