Desserts for those on dysphagia diets don’t have to be bland. Enjoy 6 of our favorite dysphagia dessert recipes that are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth!
When it comes to finding dessert recipes for those on dysphagia diets, finding something that’s the proper consistency while also being packed with flavor can be difficult. All of our recipes and products are developed by chefs who understand the unique challenges of dysphagia. They have rich flavor, are available in a wide range of IDDSI Levels, and are tested to ensure safety for those with swallowing difficulties. Below are six of our favorite dysphagia-diet dessert recipes, with both single-serving sizes shown for those making these dishes at home and larger quantities for those preparing these in a foodservice environment.
Ginger Peach Parfait
This delicious dessert uses our Thick & Easy® Instant Food & Beverage Thickener for a tart, rich palate cleanser that’s great in the warm summer months. Use fresh peaches manually thickened for a more homespun feel, or use Thick & Easy® Frozen Peaches for added convenience.
Meets IDDSI Levels 4-7
Watermelon Lime Sorbet
Looking to beat the heat? Here’s a dysphagia diet-friendly dessert that will help you cool down while also packing a flavor punch. This recipe brings the ultimate convenience, with just five ingredients!
Meets IDDSI Level 4
Lemon Cream Cheese Pie
Pie for those on a dysphagia diet? It’s possible! With both crust and filling that’s made from scratch to ensure safety and proper consistency, you can enjoy a southern dessert staple that’s flashy in both appearance and taste.
Meets IDDSI Levels 4-6
Lava Cakes
There are few replacements for a rich, delicious chocolate cake, and our Lava Cakes recipe helps replicate that experience for those on a dysphagia diet. You can further customize this dish by experimenting with different fillings like raspberry syrup, caramel, or warm fudge sauce. This dessert is great for special occasions like birthdays or Valentine’s Day, or just as a special treat for someone in your life.
Meets IDDSI Levels 4-6
Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Add some creativity to your dysphagia diet with our Pineapple Upside Down Cake recipe. This thickened dessert replicates a classic holiday dish and uses Thick & Easy® Frozen Pureed Shaped Pineapple for a dessert that’s packed with bold flavor and safe for those with swallowing difficulties.
Meets IDDSI Levels 4-6
Cranberry Pear Tart
Tart, bold, and full of flavor, our Cranberry Pear Tart recipe is the perfect finish to a fall meal. You can customize the recipe with a variety of different shapes for baking, and the crust packs an additional punch by using Thick & Easy® Orange Juice–Level 2.
Meets IDDSI Levels 4-7
Interested in some other delicious recipes for dysphagia diets? We’ve got a wide variety of dysphagia-friendly recipes covering everything from classic entrees to seasonal cocktails. See what else we have in store to help you add some creativity and flavor to your diet